We are committed to long-term partnerships with cocoa farmers and their producer organizations like cooperatives in origin countries.Our goal is to achieve the highest possible transparency and traceability of cocoa and improve the ecological, economic and social situation in cocoa cultivation through concrete, individual programs on-site in the countries of origin. We rely on a partnership model with farmers and producer organizations.
Therefore our own label „Our Cocoa“ goes beyond mere certification and stands for our commitment to the countries of origin within the framework of partnerships.
Our commitment in Nicaragua goes back a long way in history. Since 1990, we have supported Nicaraguan smallholders in cocoa's sustainable cultivation as part of our Cacao-Nica program. What began over 30 years ago has grown into a partnership with over 3,500 farmers in around 20 different cooperatives.
Since 2014, we have been working in long-term partnerships with several cooperatives in the Ivory Coast. Our cocoa from the Ivory Coast is also 100% certified. Ritter Sport is a founding member of the Sustainable Cocoa Forum and supports the Pro Planteur project in Ivory Coast.
Ghana is the world's second-largest producer of cocoa after neighboring Ivory Coast. Most of the approximately one million cocoa farmers in Ghana are smallholders who cultivate up to five hectares. In 2019, we began the first steps toward a new partnership by signing a Memorandum of Understanding with the Cocoa Abrabopa Association (CAA) to establish a long-term collaboration between the more than 6,000 cocoa farmers of the CAA and us.